The name now is mftf.exe. I'm not using any more the FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA method. Now I only parse the $MFT file.
Some changes to the program and some bugs fixed.
The options now are:
-d drive_letter............................Search/copy files from this logical unit.
-h........................................This help.
-f "string1[|string2 with spaces|string3?...]".....Find file/directory/ADS names with any of the strings.
-f "d:\folder\string" .....The path will limit the results to the subfolders.
The match is always case insensitive.
" as delimiters for the whole group of strings.
| is the boundary between strings.
? al the end of the string specifies an exact coincidence.
-ff file.txt....................The strings to search for are in file.txt.
One string per line, no separator, use ? as needed.
-fr string......................Find the string doing a raw search in the 1024 bytes of the MFT record.
It will report coincidences in the unallocated space of the MFT record.
-fads...........................Find all the ADSs in the logical unit.
>Can be used with any of the previous find options:
-fx..................................Save the results in a file in order to use the option -c.
-ft..................................Show the results in timeline format.
-i full_path_to_file/directory.......Show information about the path.
-i record_number.....................Show information of the MFT record.
-w record_number.....................Write on screen the 1024 bytes of the MFT record.
-c "reference1[|reference2...]"......Copy the file/s referenced to this folder.
| is the separator.
-c list.txt..........................Copy all the files referenced in the file list.txt.
Each line MUST start with: reference + [TAB].
-cr record_number....................Copy the 1024 bytes of the MFT record to this folder.
> MFT-fileoper.exe -d e: -f "svchost|mvui.dll|string with spaces|exact match?"
> MFT-fileoper.exe -d e -fx -f "c:\folder\temp.dll|snbclog.exe"
> MFT-fileoper.exe -d e -c "33:128-1|5623:128-4"
1 comment:
I have some questions/issues/feedback about the MFTF program. Do you have a contact email or twitter handle to discuss? I am at if easier to drop me a note.
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