29 Jan 2015


The name now is mftf.exe. I'm not using any more the FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA method. Now I only parse the $MFT file.
Some changes to the program and some bugs fixed.
The options now are:
    -d drive_letter............................Search/copy files from this logical unit.
    -h........................................This help.
    -f "string1[|string2 with spaces|string3?...]".....Find file/directory/ADS names with any of the strings.
    -f "d:\folder\string"                         .....The path will limit the results to the subfolders.
                The match is always case insensitive.
                " as delimiters for the whole group of strings.
                | is the boundary between strings.
                ? al the end of the string specifies an exact coincidence.
    -ff file.txt....................The strings to search for are in file.txt.
                                    One string per line, no separator, use ? as needed.
    -fr string......................Find the string doing a raw search in the 1024 bytes of the MFT record.
                                    It will report coincidences in the unallocated space of the MFT record.
    -fads...........................Find all the ADSs in the logical unit.
    >Can be used with any of the previous find options:
        -fx..................................Save the results in a file in order to use the option -c.
        -ft..................................Show the results in timeline format.
    -i full_path_to_file/directory.......Show information about the path.
    -i record_number.....................Show information of the MFT record.
    -w record_number.....................Write on screen the 1024 bytes of the MFT record.
    -c "reference1[|reference2...]"......Copy the file/s referenced to this folder.
                                           | is the separator.
    -c list.txt..........................Copy all the files referenced in the file list.txt.
                                           Each line MUST start with: reference + [TAB].
    -cr record_number....................Copy the 1024 bytes of the MFT record to this folder.
> MFT-fileoper.exe -d e: -f "svchost|mvui.dll|string with spaces|exact match?"
> MFT-fileoper.exe -d e -fx -f "c:\folder\temp.dll|snbclog.exe"
> MFT-fileoper.exe -d e -c "33:128-1|5623:128-4"

13 Jan 2015

Another MFT parser and copy restricted files program

I've been working on a command line program that allows me to do quick searches directly accessing the MFT and copy files avoiding the limitations of the OS. There are already some programs that do it but:
- Some have ceased to be free.
- Some are very large in size and slow.
- I want to learn seriously the architecture of the MFT.
- I want to learn c#.
- Just for fun.

The method I have used to speed things up is to create a dictionary using the enumeration of the MFT with FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA and including the offset of the MFT records in it.

This process, in an old system with a partition of 400 Gb with 300k objects, takes 5 seconds on average. This initial process is necessary because the MFT is often fragmented and when I process an ATTRIBUTE_LIST I find references to MFT entries that have not yet been examined but to which access is required to extract names and dates from ATTRIBUTE_FILE_NAME.

Finally I have also added the option to copy files avoiding the restrictions of the OS, which is very convenient because you can copy restricted or protected files like MFT or UsnJrnl.

The methods used are obtained from KERNEL32.DLL library: GetVolumeInformationByHandleW, ReadFile, CreateFile, SetFilePointerEx, GetFileInformationByHandle, DeviceIoControl.